Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris auctor tincidunt lorem, et congue est hendrerit eget. Proin sollicitudin ultrices odio, a cursus erat commodo vestibulum. Ut porttitor sapien felis, sed auctor turpis egestas cursus. Donec a enim dignissim, venenatis lacus nec, luctus eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; In ante turpis, ultrices a maximus vitae, tincidunt convallis nisi. Sed non convallis nisi. Nunc feugiat ex arcu, quis feugiat lorem pharetra at. Nulla mattis arcu vel posuere varius.
ASPPH has a detailed advocacy strategy that is updated each year in consolation with the Advocacy Committee and the Board on behalf of our members.
Here you will find ASPPH’s yearly policy and funding recommendations to federal agencies, Congress, and global organizations.
As education in public health continues to evolve well past the classroom and into professional experience, ASPPH has developed learning institutes to train future public health leaders and offers a series of continuing education programs.
As education in public health continues to evolve well past the classroom and into professional experience, ASPPH has developed learning institutes to train future public health leaders and offers a series of continuing education programs.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris auctor tincidunt lorem, et congue est hendrerit eget. Proin sollicitudin ultrices odio, a cursus erat commodo vestibulum. Ut porttitor sapien felis, sed auctor turpis egestas cursus. Donec a enim dignissim, venenatis lacus nec, luctus eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; In ante turpis, ultrices a maximus vitae, tincidunt convallis nisi. Sed non convallis nisi. Nunc feugiat ex arcu, quis feugiat lorem pharetra at. Nulla mattis arcu vel posuere varius.
The ASPPH Center for Public Health Workforce Development brings together academia and practice to educate and train the next generation of professionals and leaders prepared to meet emerging public health challenges, advance health equity and social justice, and generate evidence-based knowledge to drive excellence and innovation in public health practice.
The Academic and Practice Linkages in Public Health Caucus provides a valuable venue for public health academicians and public health practice partners to share innovations, promote quality programs and services, and share research that helps to strengthen the evidence base on issues related to public health practice and education.