ASPPH collects and analyzes data on the academic public health enterprise to inform education, research, and practice activities of our members and of the Association.
ASPPH serves as the premier data resource on academic public health for members, policymakers, the media, and the field of public health.
Dr. Emily Burke leads research and practice activities for ASPPH. She is the director of the ASPPH Center for Public Health Workforce Development, leading efforts to recruit, train, and retain a diverse public health workforce.
Emily Burke, EdD, MPH, CPH
Senior Director of Workforce Development and Applied Practice
Christine Plepys is the director of the ASPPH Data Center, leading efforts to ensure evidence-based decision-making in academic public health. She conducts research and assists ASPPH members in developing and implementing institutional research strategies.
Christine Plepys, MS
Research and Data Analytics Lead
Frank Smith oversees enterprise data management and business intelligence for ASPPH. He transforms raw data so ASPPH members can derive clear and actionable insights.
Frank Smith, MBA, MA
Data Architect
Sarah Gusman manages the ASPPH Data Center Portal and leads our annual reporting activities, ensuring the reports and dashboards provided to ASPPH members are accurate and intuitive.
Sarah Gusman, MPH
Data Analyst I
Kaitlin Tager supports efforts to recruit, train, and retain a diverse public health workforce through project management and program evaluation of initiatives within the ASPPH Center for Public Health Workforce Development.
Kaitlin Tager, MPH, CHES
Manager of Workforce Initiatives